Hartland Park Animal Hospital

Hartland Parkway
Lexington, KY 40515




Hartland Park Animal Hospital Blog



Hairballs (Trichobezoars) In Cats

"He's throwing up hairballs all the time. I'm tired of stepping on slimy hair."To the client, the problem may be simple.But to the veterinarian, it's much more ...

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Arthritis in Dogs and Cats: What Can be Done?

Arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a degenerative, progressive, and irreversible condition of the joints. It is cha ...

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Glaucoma in Dogs and Cats

Glaucoma is an eye disease where by the pressure within the eye becomes elevated. It can cause significant pain and lead to blindness. Dogs and cats with prima ...

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Snake Bite Prevention and Treatment for Dogs

Most snakes will try to avoid you or your pets; snakes typically bite only as a last resort. But while you may wisely decide to simply walk away when you encoun ...

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MRSP Dogs and Spaying

This is an increasingly common question, as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP – essentially the canine version of the high-profile hum ...

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Surgical Treatment for Feline Hyperthyroidism

The goal of thyroidectomy is to remove the abnormal thyroid tissue and leave the normal adjacent tissue alone. This sounds straightforward, however, considering ...

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